Introducing MangiferinPlus


A breakthrough natural herbal supplement used for aiding the battle of common health problems, such as inflammation, diabetes and non-infectious diseases.

*While our herbal ingredient is Kosher and our capsules Vegan – our US capsule manufacturer is not certified for either and therefore we are not able to incorporate these Certifications on our labels

What is MangiferinPlus™?


is a proprietary blend derived from Honeybush (Cyclopia plant) and contains a uniquely high concentration of Mangiferin, Iso Mangiferin and Hespiridin.


offers these anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties in a more concentrated and powerful form.


is a breakthrough natural medicine helps to battle common health problems, such as: inflammation, open wounds, diabetes and non-infectious diseases.

With the help of scientists and intensive research, MangiferinPlusis believed to be more potent than both Vitamin E and C.

Where to buy MangiferinPlus?




What are the benefits of MangiferinPlus™?

Prevents degenerative diseases

The antioxidant properties of mangiferin are incredibly helpful in battling: free radicals, wounds and cell damage. Therefore, its consumption is beneficial in aiding the management of diabetic nephropathy and degenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

the immune system 

MangiferinPlus™ is rich in essential nutrients which help to strengthen the immune system

Relieve the symptoms of arthritis

The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action of the polyphenols presented in mangiferin is specifically activated in relieving arthritis pain. In addition, it combats symptoms of various inflammatory and infectious diseases.

How does it work and why is it important to us?

MangiferinPlus™, due to its high concentration of polyphenols, prevents the production of hydroxyl radicals, increases resistance to erythrocyte cells and neutralizes free radicals. The action of the compounds of mangiferin in the body inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and prevents adhesion of lipid and insoluble plaque on the inner walls of the arteries.


MangiferinPlus™ has proved to contain acute nociceptive, neuropathic pain and inflammatory responses. Inflammation, simply defined as the enlistment of lymphoid and myeloid cells to an injury or infection, is a defence mechanism in the body. Inflammation can be presented through several unappealing symptoms which include:

I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left wrist about 18mths ago. The diagnosis was backed by xrays of the wrist and shown to be fairly advanced.

I started taking the Mangiferin capsules a little over 2 months ago, as I try to avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs preferring to take natural products. The Mangiferin tablet profile was therefore right for me, and as I wasn’t taking any other medication it was a good time for me to try the Mangiferin. I started taking 2 capsules twice a day and after a slow initial response, the pain in my wrist is now negligible and the flexibility in my wrist is improved. I am aware, however, that if for some reason I miss a dose the discomfort in my wrist increases, clearly a situation I try to avoid. Thanks for this product

M.M-S.  7th April 2018

I have arthritis in my feet, hands and neck; also fibromyalgia and an over-production of acid in my stomach. As a result of the fibromyalgia and arthritis in three discs in my neck I have constant headaches. I have had two hiatus hernia repair operations of which neither has been successful.
In October 2017 I was invited to partake in a Mangiferen supplement trial. The idea was to ascertain if there may be any alleviation of symptoms of my current medical problems. I initially took one capsule twice per day until January 2018 without any noticeable significant change to my symptoms. In January it was suggested to increase the dosage to two tablets twice per day. Since that time I have noticed a marked improvement in the stiffness and pain in my hands as well as a marked improvement in the general condition of my skin and nails (I have also suffered from psoriasis for my entire adult life). There has been a small improvement in the stiffness and pain in my feet. My headaches and reflux problems continue to plague me.
Unfortunately I had to leave the country on personal business in mid May and had almost run out of capsules. I have not taken Mangiferen for over two weeks and already I have noticed a slight return of the stiffness to my hands and my skin and nail problem has slowly returned.
I would really like to continue with this trial as I feel the improvement in my symptoms has made a big difference to my life. I believe by continuing the trial I should see further improvements as the level of anti-oxidants build up in my body. Thank you sincerely.

Anonymous  30th May 2018

Diabetic type 2 for 10 years taking Glucophage. Hysterectomy at age 34yrs because of complications. Underactive Thyroid for 10 years taking Eltroxin and Tertroxin – Diatroxin discontinued. High Cholesterol for 10 years taking Lipogen. Broke both my feet 10 years ago in 5 places and that’s how they discovered I had a thyroid problem, and that in turn causes Diabetes and high Cholesterol. Had a growth on my spinal cord removed as I was nearly paralysed about 11 yrs ago, which does cause some pain at times now, Because of the long hours I work, I do not always eat correctly and have certainly found that if I do not take Mangiferin which I started about a month ago, I do not have the energy to cope with what I do. I have aches and pains and just feel very different. I would certainly continue with the product as I do feel it is making a difference to me.

L. Female 63 years  24th June 2018

Diabetic type 2 for 10 years taking Glucophage. Hysterectomy at age 34yrs because of complications. Underactive Thyroid for 10 years taking Eltroxin and Tertroxin – Diatroxin discontinued. High Cholesterol for 10 years taking Lipogen. Broke both my feet 10 years ago in 5 places and that’s how they discovered I had a thyroid problem, and that in turn causes Diabetes and high Cholesterol. Had a growth on my spinal cord removed as I was nearly paralysed about 11 yrs ago, which does cause some pain at times now, Because of the long hours I work, I do not always eat correctly and have certainly found that if I do not take Mangiferin which I started about a month ago, I do not have the energy to cope with what I do. I have aches and pains and just feel very different. I would certainly continue with the product as I do feel it is making a difference to me.

L. Female 63 years  24th June 2018

Symptoms: Double knee replacements (November 2016/January 2017).
Activities: Passionate bicycle rider, surf ski paddling, hiking, SUP (Stand Up Paddle).

I have been aware of the” Sweet By Nature” Tea/Drink products for a number of years. I was introduced to Mangiferin capsules earlier this year (2018) and decided to test the product.

Since my knee surgeries, I have been on & off various anti-inflammatory products (mainly Voltarin & Coxleon). I have been taking Mangiferin Capsules now for over 2 months and believe it is working and helping me with my various pains and inflammation (caused by excess/extreme exercising). There seem to be no “side effects” and I have increased the dosage to 2 capsules twice a day when doing any serious exercise.

I hope to continue experiencing these results. I am also using the “Sweet By Nature Herbal Water Enhancer” as a rehydration drink during & after cycling/hiking.

C.T.  Age: 59 4th August 2018

What is Magniferin?

Mangiferin is a natural polyphenol and bioactive xanthonoid commonly known for its incredibly powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. This polyphenols of the C-glycosylxanthone structure holds a wide range of uses as an:

  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-Atherosclerotic, reducing cardiovascular diseases and resulting in greater brain function
  • Wound healing

Key ingredients in MangiferinPlus?




Contact Us

International Sales :   South Africa :

MangiferinPlus Research

© 2017 All Rights Reserved


Copyright © 2017 MangiferinPlus™. All Rights Reserved. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product is not intended for those with a medical condition. Use only as directed. Consult your physician before beginning any prescription drug. You must be over 18 years of age to purchase or consume.

*Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of MangiferinPlus™ have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Should you be interested in learning more about MangiferinPlus™ & how it helps fight CHRONIC inflammation –  please email us and we will send you the product information & the recently published clinical research on our proprietary USDA Organic ingredient – CycloferinTM  

The information contained herein is for general information purposes only. Under no circumstances do we claim or imply, directly or indirectly, any endorsement from any third party study addressed herein and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained herein for any purpose. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of  MangiferinPlus™.